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8-21-05 HomeCall home health aide receives award
Gail Ramirez, HHA, was recognized as the 2005 Outstanding Home Health Care Aide for the state of Oklahoma by the Oklahoma Association for Home Care (OAHC).
Gail was nominated by the management of HomeCall of Stillwater, Inc.  The nomination was based on her professional skills and outstanding performance in caring for her clients. Gail has worked as a home health aide at HomeCall for 15 years and is consistently praised by the clients for whom she provides care.
"Gail is most observant and has the ability to see what needs to be done and does it" says Cathy Johnson, LPN, Gail's supervisor. "She honors the clients' preferences and is very much 'in tune' with family dynamics, sensing how individuals need to be handled in order for the client to receive the best possible care."
 "She can work in 'fine' homes or in the humblest of abodes with equal attention to detail. Her warm smile and wonderful sense of humor is contagious and makes her the kind of person that people just love to have around. She is 'laid back' and emotes an attitude that says 'I have all the time you need' when she is with her client while efficiently caring for numerous clients each day."
Kay Stewart, Administrator of HomeCall, describes Gail as being "always ready and willing to help train new aides and does so frequently. She talks to them 'straight' and lets them know what the agency expects and then demonstrates that standard through her behavior. She attends staff meetings and inservice education and always has something to say regarding issues of importance. She is willing to help out whenever and wherever she is needed and yet does not get into co-dependent relationships with her clients. She is professional and knows how to maintain that professional distance while being very caring - the kind of aide that one would love to clone."
Written nominations were made by numerous home care agencies across the state. Based on the written nominations, the OAHC Awards Committee invited the top five aides to Oklahoma City to be interviewed. The committee judged the candidates on work ethic, knowledge, expertise, interpersonal skills, commitment to client/patient care, ability to communicate, and overall attitude. Gail was then chosen to be the outstanding Home Care Aide for 2005.
Gail Ramirez lives with her husband, Leo and son, Gary in Langston and is the daughter of Leon and Queen Vick of Langston.

Last updated: 3-4-2008